Friday, January 25, 2013

Because I Want To Remember

Whether it's because they were right or wrong, I want to remember what Niko was doing when he a wee 26 months old. 

Observations from his mother:
1) Like Sami at this age, Niko has a growing fascination with trucks, trains and construction vehicles.  I'd say his favorite is trains, specifically Thomas the Train.  He watches those shows with the focus of a neurosurgeon.  A friend gave him an awesome Thomas collection and he is bonkers about it. 

2) Niko is able to say, "Mama, Da, Pa, Mimi, and My Mama" spontaneously.  With prompting he approximates "truck, school bus".  He's working on "all done", and it actually sounds like it.  He can sign, "more, all done and milk".  With prompting, he waves goodbye and blows kisses. 

3) Niko is a huge cuddle bug.  He gives hugs and kisses generously and loves to bump foreheads (learned from his Momo).  He pinches noses like they're going out of style.  He loves to point to body parts and grunt to signal you're supposed to tell him what it is.  When asked he can point to his nose, cheeks, head, teeth, bellybutton, and feet (haven't worked on others). 

4) Niko and Sami play well together.  Sami is much more interested in him, but Niko will tolerate a game of chase or jump on the couch.  Sami has a horrible habit of grabbing Niko by the head and twisting around like an alligator.  This, of course, is a wee bit uncomfortable for Niko and he screeches like a prehistoric bird.  This has no effect on Sam or her grip, so after yet another 'come to jesus' lecture she promises to be more gentle.  This has yet to have the desired effect. 

5) What else would a mom want to remember? His sweet feet and twisty toes.  His tight hugs before I lay him down to bed.  His big smile when I greet him in the morning.  His drunk, zombie walk that reminds me of Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean.  His slim frame.  His thoughtful eyes. His love of books and stories.  His sideways glance.  Yes, I think that will do for now. 

Observations from a clinician:

1) Niko started ECI services two weeks ago.  He's slated to receive speech therapy once a week and special skills training once a week.  The agency is between speech pathologists right now so only the special skills training has started. 

2) I got a report from school today that the therapist recommended encouraging social interactions with the other kids.  I'm totally for this, of course, but I guess their first attempt didn't go super great. It didn't go horribly, but anything other than perfect leaves me feeling like a total and utter failure.  So, back to the pinching noses, since this is a favorite activity of Niko's, he was encouraged to pinch a peer's nose.  After giving two kids a "talk to the hand" gesture, Niko grudgingly pinched a little girls nose.  This was my pick up discussion with his teacher, whom I love.  Why can't I freaking hear normal shit like, "Niko was so silly today.  He danced all day.  Spoke in full sentences...oh and I didn't know he could read.  What a kid!".  Instead, I hear about his progress tolerating his peers for seconds at a time.  Please excuse my pity party. 

3) Oh and now I hear that he's twirling at school.  Next, I'm going to hear hand flapping, walking on his tip toes and fixating on trains.  His little autism box is starting to fit him nicely. 

4) Screw you. All of you. 

Niko's mom 

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