Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Season 2 Episode 11 - Judge, Jury, Executioner

Daryl roughing up the new kid.  Kid reveals that his crew is ruthless.  Rick wants him dead.  Again, should have left him for dead in the first place.

1) Shane makes weird mouth movements.

2) Carl sneaks in the barn with Randall, the new kid.  Will these parents keep a fucking eye on their kids.  WTF?????

3) Now Carl is wandering....aimlessly.  Will somebody PLEASE supervise him.

4) Carl calls Sophia's mom an idiot.

5) Carl took a gun from Daryl's bag and is going back in the woods ALONE!!!!!!  This is starting to annoy me.  Attention writers - I don't give a shit how lax parents a world full of zombies a parent WOULD NOT let their kid explore in the effing woods alone.  Fix this stupid flaw in your story.

6) What do you know.  Carl stumbles upon a freaking zombie in the woods.  Extremely irritated. Go ahead and eat him, zombie.  Teach your dipshit parents a lesson.

7) Group taking a vote on the kid's life.  Dale is extremely disappointed with the group.  Dale makes a good point.  Why did you save him, Rick???????

8) Hell has frozen over.  Andrea agrees with Dale.

9) I have decided that I'm not fond of Lori.

10) Dale...  :(

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