Thursday, November 8, 2012

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I won a "you're pretty funny" award. Yay!

I imagine there is a way to make this link live, but my technical skills do not match my funny skills so this lame link will have to do.

Season 2 Episode 11 - Judge, Jury, Executioner

Daryl roughing up the new kid.  Kid reveals that his crew is ruthless.  Rick wants him dead.  Again, should have left him for dead in the first place.

1) Shane makes weird mouth movements.

2) Carl sneaks in the barn with Randall, the new kid.  Will these parents keep a fucking eye on their kids.  WTF?????

3) Now Carl is wandering....aimlessly.  Will somebody PLEASE supervise him.

4) Carl calls Sophia's mom an idiot.

5) Carl took a gun from Daryl's bag and is going back in the woods ALONE!!!!!!  This is starting to annoy me.  Attention writers - I don't give a shit how lax parents a world full of zombies a parent WOULD NOT let their kid explore in the effing woods alone.  Fix this stupid flaw in your story.

6) What do you know.  Carl stumbles upon a freaking zombie in the woods.  Extremely irritated. Go ahead and eat him, zombie.  Teach your dipshit parents a lesson.

7) Group taking a vote on the kid's life.  Dale is extremely disappointed with the group.  Dale makes a good point.  Why did you save him, Rick???????

8) Hell has frozen over.  Andrea agrees with Dale.

9) I have decided that I'm not fond of Lori.

10) Dale...  :(

Season 2 Episode 10 - 18 Miles Out

What the hell!  What a start. Rick, Shane and new kid being overrun by zombies. Shane finds refuge in a bus. Kid has hands tied behind his back and is scooting on the ground towards a knife. Rick has a bloody nose and is running about.  Beginning credits roll.

1) Rick and Shane have a heart to heart about his psychosis. Shane fesses up about Otis.

2) Teenage kid tied up in the back of the SUV.  They are driving 18 miles dump him I assume.  Rick should have let me die.  He's a dead man walking on his own.  Poor kid.

3) Maggie's sister has rejoined the living.

4) Rick decides to drive in town to give the kid a better shot.  Rick is starting to annoy me (sorry Tanya).  If you're gonna save someone then go all the way.  Don't get him all fixed up and then desert him.

5) Uh-oh. New kid knows Maggie.  Knows where the farm is.  Rick is conflicted AGAIN. Shane is convinced Rick can't keep his family safe.  Shane attempts to shoot teenager. Rick and Shane get into it. Shane throws a huge tool thing through a window and wakes up zombie commune inside.  Zombies pursuing Shane. Rick hiding under one he just killed. Teenager frantically trying to cut the ties on his hands and ankles.  Escapes last second.

6) Maggie's sister on suicide watch.

7) Andrea and Lori fighting.

8) Zombie sandwich piled up on Rick.  Shane having a hard time keeping zombies at bay. Back at the farm, people are taking turns trying to talk Maggie's sister out of committing suicide.

9) It appeared that Rick was gonna leave Shane, but in usual Rick fashion he swoops in and saves the day.

10) Rick reinforces for Shane the rules and boundaries.

11) On drive back to farm Shane appears to understand.


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Season 2 Episode 9 - Triggerfinger

Episode starts with Laurie waking up in flipped car. With a zombie sticking his big face in the broken windshield.  She gets away.  Barely. 

1) Group realizes Laurie is missing.  Everyone starts freaking out, Carl included.  He decides to run off and NO ONE runs after him.  Yeah.  Just let him run into the woods.  That turned out well for the last kid.  Wake up!!! 

2) Outlaws have Rick, Glenn and Hershel trapped in the bar.  Shoot-out ensues.  Walkers surrounding the joint.  Rick feels the need to save a teenage kid who was shooting at him 30 second prior. 

3) Shane saves Laurie.  Again.  Now he can add another notch to the times he's saved her.  Maybe he can bring that up again and win her over.  I can totally see that working for him. 

4) Shane is delusional.  He thinks that Laurie was madly in love with him. 

5) Maggie's sister is starting to freak me out.  She needs to blink. 

6) Dale needs to lay off Andrea.  He's a pest.  Don't get me wrong, I have no love for Andrea but find a hobby Dale. 

7) Shane made a funny.  For real.  He's gonna get the new guy, Randall, some "candy and flowers".  Ha!

8) Rick is making some weird choices. 

9) Andrea and Shane are two peas in a pod. 

10) Laurie tells Rick that Shane is delusional and scary.  Show ends with Rick thinking intently about what she said.  We're gonna have some reality TV Honey Boo Boo-like drama up in da house. 

Season 2 Episode 8 - Nebraska

Vet has asked that Rick and his crew leave.  Shane's unapologetic.  Rick doubting himself.  Dale shooting Shane dirty looks. 

1) Funeral preparations - sad.

2) Andrea is riding on the dead zombie float. She is such a pompous ass. 

3) Maggie pissed that Glenn is headed back into town to look for her Dad that is likely hitting up the local bar.  Maggie's sister is in some weird catatonic state. 

4) Dale tells Laurie that Shane sacrificed Otis.  Laurie not buying it. 

5) Why do these people always drive with their windows rolled down.  Roll them up. Permanently. 

6) Hey Hershel! How about you get that bottle to go. 

7) Laurie on her way in town.  With the windows DOWN.  She didn't get the memo.  She's also not paying attention and hits a walker, which is all fine in good until she looses control of the car and flips. 

8) Rick must be tired.  All the pep talks. All the time.  The vet has lost all hope.  Rick is pulling a "yes we can". 

9) Rick, Glenn and the vet met some new friends at the bar.  Something ain't right.

10) Yep. New friends no good.  See you on the flip side. 


Monday, November 5, 2012

Season 2 - Episode 7 Pretty Much Dead Already

Glenn lets the cat out of the bag.  "The barn is full of walkers!!!!"

1) Shane. Simmer down. Sophia could be alive. 

2) You guys are getting the zombies excited.  Simmer the fuck down!!!

3) Sophia's mom giving up hope.  Didn't sit well with Daryl.  Oops. 

4) Shane pacing around the barn.  This can't end well. 

5) Rick told Shane Laurie is pregnant.  Vet wants Rick's crew gone.  Maggie is trying to talk sense into him. Yes, Maggie!  You tell him! The "Asian boy" does in fact have a name.  It's GLENN!! 

6) Great move, Shane!  Ask Laurie "who's saved your life more times".  You know how to make a girl swoon.

7) Crazy ass vet!!  Let's say we LEAVE the zombies in the quicksand. 

8) Awwww, Glenn.  Someone has a crush.  Take that Maggie!! 

9) Wow!!!!  Shane completely lost it.  Barn decontaminated. 

RIP Sophia. 


Season 2 Episode 6 - Secrets

Thoughts from last show.  Um. You might want to share that you have a zombie petting zoo in the barn.  Youngsters like barns.  Could have been disastrous!!!  A-holes! 

1) Feeding time for the zombies. 

2) Poor Glenn.  He wasn't lying when he said he was a shitty liar.  And now he has the barn AND the adulteress to deal with. 

3) Whatever, Andrea.  Daryl doesn't want to hear your annoying apologies for being an idiot. 

4) Oh goody.  Let's waste ammo on target practice.  Perfect.  Pssst....Walkers...there's a scrawny, overconfident and incredibly annoying blond that I hear is so delicious.  She takes pissy walks alone on occasion. 

5) Oops.  Shane went too far during target practice.  Hey, might want to keep your psychopathic thoughts to yourself. 

6) Shane wants a search and rescue buddy (translation - human shield). 

7) Glenn and Maggie attacked in the pharmacy while fetching "abortion pills".  Hopefully they learned their lesson this time.

8) Andrea and Shane hooked up. Gross. 

9) Rick's wife....come on....think with your head.  Rick. You too!

10) Shane threatened the token old, wise guy.  Psychopathic tendencies bubbling over. 


Live Blogging The Walking Dead - Trying to convince myself zombies are funny

I'm totally addicted to this show.  It's a show I have no right being addicted to, given my high anxiety levels and fear of the most non-scary thinks (i.e., an elementary school haunted house).  I am the biggest scaredy cat there ever was.  My husband refuses to watch the show with me, so I'm left alone, on my couch, all the lights on, watching the show between my ring and middle finger.  I watch huge portions of the show on mute, and expect my die-hard fan friends to fill me in on the details.  I had decided to only watch during daylight hours, but with two little ones and a full-time job that wasn't feasible.  So, here I am.  Focusing on all the things about this show that bug me.  Distracting myself from the real problem. SEASON TWO SPOILER ALERT!! 

1) Why on earth would you have sex in a pharmacy, while your huge bait horses are dangling from a pole at front.  I know they have to keep things interesting, but come on!! 

2) I knew Rick's wife was knocked up!! I'm hoping that it's not the psychopaths baby.  These people need to stop having sex!!!  Babies and zombies don't mix!!!  Get with the program, people!!

3) Oops. Arrow in the back for Daryl.  Horse ran off.  In a ravine.  Things are not looking good.  Well, he found his bow.  A positive.  Show is officially on mute. 

4) Shane wants to call of the search.  HUGE surprise!! 

5) Daryl fell back down the hill.  Crap. 

6) This vet who owns the farm is grumpy. 

7) Meryl's back.  No. Take that back.  It's a zombie trying to snack on Daryl's foot.  No problem for Daryl. He's fine. 

8) Andrea is a JACKASS!!!  Way to shot Daryl, you fucking asshole!!!  I think Andrea should be banished for her stupidity. 

9) Grumpy vet is on to horny youngsters.  uh-oh. 

10) More sex being  planned.  Hayloft mystery unfolds. Oops. Stumbled upon a zombie slumber party. 

Episode 5 over.