So, last week I was convinced I had a touch of the baby blues. Crying for no apparent reason. Not really hungry, which is a major change for me. Thinking I had the baby blues made me even more blue. I definitely had a touch of depression last time around, but I figured it was because of Sami's health issues and my insane worry. So, I sat and waited. Huck sensed something was up. All he had to ask was, "are you ok" and the waterworks commenced. BUT after that bout of crying I felt a lot better...and have ever since.
Baby Niko is awesome. He mostly eats and sleeps. Has a couple crying spells here and there but nothing major. Nothing like his older sister. I prayed to the newborn gods before Niko was born. I told them I had had a difficult one and it was my turn for an easy one. Looks like they listened. At least it seems that way so far.
Sami is doing great. She was home for the week of Thanksgiving, so transitioning home with a newborn was very busy. Sami loves Niko. She calls him "Neato" and wants to hold him all the time. On another, not so positive note, Sami went on nap strike all of last week. Not cool, young lady!!! She stated back at daycare this week. Poor little one was ready to go back. Exhausted parents + new sibling = more tv and less active playing. Feel like a total loser for it, but you gotta do what you gotta do. Plus, Dora totally has some educational value! Sami has learned all about stereotypes. The Mexican character, Tico, drives a low rider, is a transient and speaks broken English. For Halloween she dressed up like a bumble obvious nod to the buffoonery seen on the Mexican variety shows. I'm sure it will be revealed in season 4 that Swiper is also of Mexican descent. I'm just waiting on pins and needles for Isa to bust out with some inappropriate behavior. And inevitably, the other characters will have to yell, "Para!" because Isa only speaks Spanish.
It's been a great couple of weeks. I feel very lucky to have all my babies.
The newborn gods got wind of this post. Last night Niko did not sleep well. I think he is getting his days and nights confused. I guess Zeus and his pals have nothing better to do. Thanks a lot, big guy!