I love inspirational quotes. A friend of mine posted this on facebook, and I must say I was inspired. I've been trying to apply this to my everyday life. Trying to feed the good and starve the bad. Well, today I decided to go shopping on Superbowl Sunday. Probably not the best idea in the world, but hey, I can totally handle this. My mantra - feed the good...feed the good...feed the good.
What actually took place:
Jackass honking at me while I waited for my parking place.
Me - "oh yeah, shitbag, you can stick it up your ass you piece of shit" (while on the phone with a friend, my apologies, Jules)
Very angry man squeezing his way through gridlock carts, who seriously looked like he was going to lose it.
Me - Well, after witnessing that I'm doing pretty darn good over here. Yes - feed that good wolf or dog or coyote or whatever the wise man said. Score!
Now I'm realizing it's getting late and I need to get the kids down for nap soon. Uh oh! Bad mood is enroaching. No! We're doing good. Michelle. Calm. What about counting....yeah....try counting. While counting an intrusive thought makes it past the good dog and all the goodness - your house is a mess, you're going to have to make room in the fridge for all this food you're buying, and then all the 3 month old food has to be dealt with, and then all the glassware needs to be powerwashed....UGH!!!!
Bad wolf winning!
Me - Ok, ok. Good wolf. Here is some yummy food. See. Doesn't it look delicious? Mmmmm. Eat some and then you'll be replenished and balance will be restored in the world.
Good wolf (as played in my head) - No, thanks. I don't want any.
Me - No, but it's really good. Here. Just have a bite. You'll like it, I swear.
Good wolf - No! (a la sassy toddler style)
Me - Eat. It.
Good wolf - Hurls the plate of good karma across the table, reminding me of yet another chore I need to get to.
Me - You. Little. Bastard.
Bad wolf wins.
You see, I try and feed the good wolf. I really do. But I'm really thinking my good wolf has an eating disorder.
And my bad wolf. She is morbidly obese.